I'm honored to have been named one of DESTIG Magazines Top Emerging Artists for 2019!

Thank you to DESTIG Magazine for selecting me as one of their top emerging artists for 2019! It’s a lofty title and I’m extremely humbled and grateful for such nice recognition. DESTIG is an international fine arts magazine based in London and has readership in 80 countries. Here is a photo of the cover of the magazine and the first two pages of my article. I’ve included the link, once you get to it, go to page 180 to check out what a great job they did! It might have been a long harsh winter here in the north, but this really warmed my artists heart! It’s always rewarding to know that your art is reaching those who connect and enjoy it. CHEERS! https://issuu.com/destig/docs/destig_issue_5?e=33357966/68108001

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